Docker basics

Docker has established itself as a key player in the IT world with many companies adopting it in the production environment. I will go through some docker commands that will be handy while using the service.


Once docker is successfully installed and setup, this command will list available options and command you can use in combination to interact with docker engine
$docker version

This command lists installed version of client and server docker engine in the system
$docker info

This command shows various information related to the docker installation
$docker login

Login into docker registry to push/pull images
$docker image ls

List all the downloaded images
$docker ps

List running containers

$docker ps -a

List all the containers including stopped ones

$docker ps -l

List last exited container
$docker run

Start a container.
$docker run -it --rm -p <hostport>:<containerport> --name <containername> <imagename>:<tag> <shell> -c <command 1;command 2>

Above command starts a container with provided name using image with specified tag. It also starts given shell after the container starts and runs given commands. The --rm flag deletes the container once it is exited. The -p flag maps host port to the container port. If the host port is not given, docker uses a random port.
$docker attach

Connect to a running container
$docker attach <containerID/Name>
$docker exec

Run a new command in a running container
$docker logs

View logs of a container
$docker kill

Kill one or more container
$docker rm

Remove one or more containers
$docker network

Manage networks used by containers

$docker network create

Create a new network

$docker network connect

Connect a container to a network
$docker network connect <network_name> <container_name>

$docker network disconnect

Disconnect a network from a container

$docker network ls

List all networks

$docker network prune

Delete all unused networks

$docker network rm

Remove one or more networks
$docker commit

Create a new image from a container
$docker commit <container ID/Name> <ImageName>:<Tag> 

If the tag is not provided, docker uses latest as default tag.
$docker tag 

Create a new image or update the tag of an existing image
$docker pull

Pull an image from docker registry
$docker push

Push an image to docker registry
$docker rmi

Remove and/or untag image

For more detail information, visit docker’s official documentation page.

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